Alisam Engineering of Lima, New York


QCR-50 (A2Z)

Alisam QCR-50 A2Z QC Rack

$21.99 pr.

The QCR-50 (A2Z) model is machined from strong, anodized, 6061 aluminum (not die cast) and each rack will hold 2 quick change (dovetailed) tool holders with tools attached.

Now your extra tool holders, with your most used tool bits ready to go, are always within reach and the right tool is easily chosen for the job at hand.

Each "QC rack" tool holder easily attaches to your wall or cabinet with flathead #8 wood screws or bolts (customer supplied).







Alisam Engineering
P.O. Box 75 - Lima, New York 14485
Phone: 585-732-6432 (product information only - NO phone sales)